2019년 12월 30일 월요일

The easiest way to check your child's academic qualifications

The easiest way to check your child's academic qualifications.

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I'd like to show you the easiest way to check your child's ability to study. I'm sure you all knew, but you couldn't be conscious.

Recently, there have been a lot of inquiries about how to overcome the "lower ranks." And the answer is very simple. You just have to study.

But the question means, you want to know what kind of way is easy, and yet works like drugs?

And by reading the answers, you want to relieve the stress that your lower-class children have caused you.

And any great way, if it's going to work like magic, needs the will to keep doing it.

If you don't have this will, you can't make progress by doing anything, not studying.

Well, I'll show you the easiest way to check your child's ability to study, so practice it right now.

A ten-minute study

Let them study for 10 minutes. Then, learn your child's ability to study.

Make it happen in the morning. You can order it at a certain time. From 7 a.m. to 7:10 a.m., set specific subjects.

Don't mention it again after you've ordered it.

If your child is doing the above task for a month, you can judge that he or she has some study skills.

But if the mother has to keep saying the order, and then drives it in one run after a few days, and even makes excuses, her child doesn't have the ability to study.

In short, it's as follows.

1. Decide 10 minutes of study time.
2. Designate specific subjects.
3. Once directed, never mentioned.
4. If your child persists for a month, he or she has a quality to study.

Can you do it?

2019년 11월 17일 일요일

[2020 예비 고1 시리즈] 11개의 꿀팁 칼럼들, 골라 읽자!

[2020 예비 고1 시리즈]

01. 2020 예비 고1에게 하고픈 얘기

02. 중3 마무리의 마음가짐

03. 중3 겨울방학 때 꼭 할 일 ㅡ 고등학교 선행보다 중요한 이것

04. 고1 반배치고사의 의미

05. 고등학교 야자의 선택 ㅡ 고1 갈등의 시작

06. 고등학교 방과후 선택의 문제 ㅡ 생기부에 올라갈까?

07. 학교 수업 활용 공부 방법 ㅡ 중3이 고1 우등생 될까?

08. 고1 첫 중간고사를 망친 후에 ㅡ SKY or 非SKY?

09. 진로 찾기 방황의 현주소 ㅡ 타고난 재능이 몰까?

10. 5월이 대학 색깔을 결정한다 ㅡ 고1의 위기

11. 고1 자녀를 대하는 학부모의 태도



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